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Junior High Counselor

PJ Knickerbocker

Office: 903-300-3917


Iliana Hastings

Office: 903-300-3974


823 FM 1528

Cooper, TX 75432

Fax: 903-395-2328


Cooper ISD offers all students, in grades K-12, with academic opportunities that will equip them with the tools necessary to reach individual college and career goals post secondary education. Please contact your Academic Advisor for more information.

Professional school counselors provide services to students, parents, school staff, and the community in the following areas:

• School Guidance Curriculum – This curriculum consists of structured lessons designed to help students achieve the desired competencies and to provide all students with the knowledge and skills appropriate for their developmental level. The school guidance curriculum is delivered throughout the school's overall curriculum and is systematically presented by school counselors in collaboration with other professional educators in K-12 classroom and group activities.

• Responsive Services – Responsive services are preventative and/or intervention activities meeting students’ immediate and future needs. These needs can be necessitated by events and conditions in students’ lives and may require any of the following: individual or group counseling, consultation with parents, teachers and other educators, referrals to other school support services or community resources, peer helping.

• Individual Student Planning - School counselors coordinate ongoing systemic activities designed to help all students plan, monitor and manage their own academic achievement, as well as establish personal goals and future career plans.

• System Support – System support consists of management activities, establishing, maintaining, and enhancing the total school counseling program. These activities include professional development, consultation, collaboration, program management and operations. Professional school counselors are committed to continual personal and professional development and are proactively involved in professional organizations promoting school counseling at the local, state and national levels.

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Cooper Junior High
823 FM 1528 - PO Box 429
Cooper, TX 75432


Phone: 903.395.2111 ext. 3910 or Option 1
Fax: 903.395.2382


Principal: Donna Lowery

Asst. Principal: Shelly Anderson

Superintendent: Amber Norris

Asst. Superintendent: Cody Gibson

Counselor: Iliana Hastings

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