The District Improvement Team shall be composed of members who shall represent Campus based professional staff, District level professional staff, parents, businesses, and the community. At least two-thirds of the District and campus Professional staff representatives shall be classroom teachers. The remaining employee representatives shall be professional nonteaching District and campus level staff. District level professional staff shall be defined as professionals who have responsibilities at more than one campus, including, but not limited to, central office staff.
District Improvement Team Members
Amber Norris | Derrick Robinson | Courtney Stewart | Neely Kelley | Lori Burgin |
PJ Knickerbocker | Jacey Blevins | Cortney Worden | Stephanie Nickerson | Sharon Johnson |
Benita Woods | Kameron Carmon | Tate Arthur | Katie Goodson | Tracey Blish |
Andrea Slakey | Caci Newton | Lisa Chambliss | Journi Ingram | Brenda Stewart |
Brittany Hunter | Carrie Ingram | Rilee Purviance | Janeen Gibson | Sandy Scholta |
Audrey Hastings | Keri Inman | Jacie Reger |
Meeting Dates:
Tuesday, Oct. 11th at 5:30 PM: Needs Assessment, Staff Development, Accountability, Legislative Updates, Incentive Portolio Criteria, District Improvement Plan Updates and Equity Plan/Family Engagement Policy
Tuesday, Nov. 8th at 5:30 PM: Needs Assessment, Incentive Portfolios, Calendar, Accountability, Legislative Updates & District Improvement Plan Updates
Tuesday, Dec. 6th at 5:30 PM: Calendar, Annual Performance Report, Goals & Objectives, Accountability, Legislative Updates & District Improvement Plan Updates
Tuesday, Mar. 7th at 5:30 PM: Program Evaluation, Accountability, Legislative Updates & District Improvement Plan Updates
Thursday, June 8th at 4:30 PM: District Improvement Plan Updates **Secondary Library**
Location: Regular Meetings will be held at the Central Administration Office
In compliance with Education Code 11.251, the District-Level Committee shall advise the Board or its designee in establishing and reviewing the District's educational goals, objectives, and major Districtwide classroom instructional programs identified by the Board or its designee. The committee shall serve exclusively in an advisory role except that the committee shall approve staff development of a Districtwide nature.